Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Kisah AKU n Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


Perghh, puas hati betul tak pernah rasa kepuasan yang amat. Akhirnya guys, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker dah pun berada di cinema Malaysia and kali ni, sadly aku tak dapat join first screening. Eventhough dari 2015 lagi tak pernah missed, aku kenalah belajar terima hakikat yang tak selama-lamanya aku dapat join maklumlah dah bergelar suami dengan bapa ni kenalah adjust masa sikit.
Well, untuk kali ni aku ditemani my beloved wife. Fariq pulak mintak tolong mak ayah tengokkan petang tadi. Ni gambar nak menghantar si kecik ni kat rumah ayah. Sorry tau Fariq kecik lagi. Nanti dah besar sikit kita pergi tengok sama-sama. Sekarang ni pergi tengok Didi dengan Bro Mikail dulu. Huhu
Kami sampai AEON Rawang sekitar jam 1.45 petang, nak cari parking pun dah 20 minit. Nasib baik masuk hall cite belum start lagi. Huh
Ija ni dah dua kali Star Wars movie aku bawak tengok. First one tahun 2017 kami pergi first screening The Last Jedi, pastu a year later tengok Solo pulak. Basically, ni yang ketiga lah kami layan sama-sama. This time special sikit sebab dah jadi husband and wife. Huhu
Semalam aku menggayakan Jedi Order shirt to honor the light side of the Force..:-)
Selfie seround!
2PM - kami dah berada didepan lobi TGV AEON Rawang. Kat sini takde lah semeriah macam kat KL nun. Tapi takpelah, dah tua-tua ni takdelah hype sangat nak bawak lightsaber, pakai cosplay segala bagai. Haha 
Okaylah, this is SPOILER ALERT. Memang best Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker ni. It's true. All of it. To summarize the spoil - Emperor Palpatine is back and dead again, together with his jaw dropping Final Order armada. Our beloved Princess Leia died peacefully and reunite with Han Solo. Our charming Lando is the Hero of the Resistance. Finn and Poe Dameron were both appointed as General in Resistance. Rey is surprisingly Palpatine's granddaughter and finally made Jedi Knight at the end of movie. Last but not least, Kylo Ren redeemed himself to the light side of the Force and died as Ben Solo after force heal Rey. Amacam, semua aku dah spoiled kan? Harap-harap takde orang baca. Haha. Verdict? Episod 9 gave a perfect conclusion of Skywalker saga and really deserve standing ovation. Kudos to JJ Abram and his team to make it worth watching..:-)
Movie habis sekitar jam 4.30 petang. Alang-alang kat sini wife nak cari buku baru untuk si Fariq tu. Budak semakin membesar lagi banyak nak study..:-)
Hujan lebat membantai bumi Rawang. Sangkut lama jugak kat sini tadi sebab parking dekat open area. Around jam 7 petang selamat tiba dirumah.

Okaylah, nak tidur dulu tau esok kerja balik, untuk siapa yang nak tengok Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Sila make your way to the nearest cinema, you will not be disappointed. Trust me. Trust the Force. Haha

P/S: Baru boleh tidur dengan tenang. Huhu

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