Siapa yang tak kenal dengan hero Malaya ni? But if kalau ada yang tak kenal jugak memang sahlah korang ni bukan Melayu tulen. Every Malays must know this legendary man. Simbol perjuangan bangsa Melayu, simbol penentangan bangsa kita terhadap penjajah. But, there were several debate berkaitan dengan Leftenan Adnan - untuk siapa sebenarnya beliau menentang - ketaatan kepada Empayar British dan His Royal Majesty, King George VI or demi bangsa Melayu.
Ramai yang berpendapat, pengorbanannya mempertahankan Singapura dan Malaya ketika itu didorong oleh semangat benci akan penjajah dan keinginan "menghantar" tentera Jepun ke tempat asal mereka. Aku ingat satu kata-katanya - "Biar putih tulang, jangan putih mata". Apakah maksudnya itu - jangan mengaku kalah walau banyak rintangan dihadapi, teruskan jua sehingga ke titisan darah yang terakhir. Aku yakin bahawa perjuangan Leftenan Adnan adalah untuk melihat bangsa kita, Melayu dipandang tinggi semula dan mengecapi kebebesan, mempunyai pemerintahan sendiri - bebas dari kesengsaraan ditindas penjajah zalim.
Didalam filem Leftenan Adnan, ketika beliau memberi kata semangat kepada anak buahnya - "Bangsa lain sedar kemampuan kita, disebabkan itu mereka takut kita mengambil hak kita kembali". Apa yang cuba disampaikan ialah semangat nasionalisme dan patriotisme bangsa Melayu sangat ditakuti oleh kekuasaan Mahkota British. Kita mampu membina empayar yang besar sebelum kedatangan mereka, British dan penjajah merampas dan memperoleh kemewahan melalui hasil bumi kita, eksploitasi mereka terhadap galian kita membuatkan mereka mengecapi kekayaan dan kemodenan. Tapi dimanakah hak kita ketika itu - dasar pecah dan perintah yang memecah belahkan kaum. Dan oleh itu mereka amat takut jika bangsa Melayu ketika itu cuba merampas apa yang patutnya jadi milik mereka.
Fikirkan ini. Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja yang baru ditubuhkan ketika itu mampu menghalang tentera Jepun yang berpengalaman dan elit. Rejimen ini juga merupakan unit yang paling degil dan yang paling lama bertahan didalam Battle of Malaya dibandingkan dengan unit Komanwel British yang lain. Apakah maksudnya itu? Aku berpendapat, tanpa semangat jati diri yang kuat mana mungkin mereka dapat bertahan - semangat mempertahankan tanah air, Tanah Melayu dan Singapura adalah tanah asal Rejimen ini. Leftenan Adnan mempertahankan Singapura yang dahulunya milik kita - Temasik. Tetapi, apakah yang dapat kita lihat kini, pulau itu senang-senangnya diserahkan kepada bangsa lain untuk diperintah. Jika Leftenan Adnan masih hidup, pastinya beliau berasa sangat marah. Pulau yang dipertahankan dengan gigih jatuh ketangan orang lain.
Kini, kita Bangsa Melayu dipijak-pijak oleh kaum lain. Dimanakah silapnya? Sudah terang lagi nyata, perpecahan Melayu itu sendiri, kita dipisahkan melalui politik yang berlainan. Jika Leftenan Adnan masih hidup sekarang, pastinya beliau menyesal dan sedih melihatkan akan keadaan ini. Kesimpulan dari pengorbanannya, kita hendaklah sentiasa mempunyai semangat cinta akan negara dan sanggup berjuang demi negara tercinta ini
TETAPI, berkhidmat didalam Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja dan menggalas tugas sebagai commanding officer for Kompeni C ketika pertempuran dalam menghalang tentera Jepun, membuatkan ada yang melihat beliau sebagai tali barut British.
So, korang cakap arwah atuk aku pun tali barut British la pasal beliau berkhidmat dalam Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja, unit yang masih kekal hingga kini dicipta dari zaman sebelum kita merdeka lagi. Silap!!
Jawapan aku buat kamu semua yang gagal menghormati wira bangsa dan Malaya ini.
Rejimen Askar Melayu ditubuhkan dengan perkenan Raja-Raja Melayu dan dilatih oleh British. RAMD berjuang di Tanah Melayu dan sanggup berkorban demi tanah kelahiran mereka ini. Jika mereka berkhidmat untuk Empayar British, sudah tentu mereka akan dihantar berperang melawan Nazi di Eropah dan mempertahankan United Kingdom yang dilihat lebih penting bagi Mahkota British, tetapi persoalannya mengapa British membiarkan Rejimen muda ini mempertahankan tanah air mereka sendiri, aku rasa - dengan cara itu Jepun bakal mengalami kepayahan dalam menguasai seluruh Malaya dan Singapura. Keinginan memastikan institusi diraja dan juga kelangsungan bangsa Melayu yang mendorong mereka terus berlawan. Semangat yang patut dicontohi bukannya mempersoalkan keperwiraan mereka ini.
Akhir kata, bangsa Melayuku marilah kita semua mencontohi keperwiraan Leftenan Adnan. Jangan biarkan bangsa lain mengambil apa yang menjadi hak kita. Pertahankan hak kita sebagai tuan tanah negara ini, artikel-artikel keramat itu, kedaulatan institusi diraja dan kesucian agama Islam. Bersama kita berganding bahu, bersatu dalam menongkah cabaran yang melanda kini. Mengakhiri bicara pagi in, marilah kita bersama-sama sedekahkan Al-Fatihah buat perwira-perwira kita yang gugur mempertahankan tanah air, dan juga mengingati jasa mereka. Tanpa mereka, kita tidak mungkin mengecapi nikmat kebebasan dan kemajuan.Amin.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Kisah AKU n Leadership
Assalamualaikum semua. Hari ni aku nak menyentuh sikit tentang soal leadership. Seronok tak menggalas tanggungjawab sebagai seorang ketua? Memang seronok if korang dapat menjalankan tugas dan kepercayaan yang diorang bagi dengan baik.
Menyingkap semula cerita-cerita lama zaman sekolah dulu, aku memanglah pengecut dalam bidang-bidang macam ni. Even, sampailah masuk asasi pun still aku cuba mengelak diberi tanggungjawab menjadi seorang leader. Huh, lagipun siapalah yang cukup percaya dengan aku ni kan.
Sekolah dulu, jawatan paling tinggi yang pernah aku pegang ialah Bendahari PRS. Takde kaitan pun dengan leadership but for you all nye information - aku orang pertama yang galas tanggungjawab bendahari untuk 3 tahun berturut-turut. Why? Cikgu Saiful percaya kat aku, katanya lah waktu pemilihan EXCO PRS 2009. Aku ingat lagi waktu tu, aku menarik nafas lega sebab dengan perlantikan sebagai bendahari, maknanya jawatan lain yang vacant seperti Presiden and Vice Presiden dah tentunya aku tak mungkin pegang.
Asasi pulak - hehe, ni bukan aku sengaja nak mengelak. Takut tu still ada but aku rasa tak layak and rendah diri, lagi-lagi bila bercampur dengan siswa siswi yang mostly graduated from sekolah berasrama, kluster dan banyak lagilah. Plus - orang pandang aku sebelah mata je kot waktu kat Fakulti tu..Moral of the story - learned from the US President, Mr Harry Truman - believing yourself when no people does. Peduli kan status diorang, itu dulu but sekarang sama je. Satu kelas jugak, satu Universiti jugak. Bezanya - diri kita dan mereka.
Degree ni. Alhamdulillah untuk semester 1 ni banyak benda yang banyak mengubah personaliti aku. But, sesuatu yang aku belajar melalui pengalaman. Jadi ketua pun ada yang benci, bahkan lagi ramai yang benci daripada kita menjadi kura-kura dalam cengkerangnya. Waktu awal semester, aku assume command group TITAS when I saw nobody want to take it. Bila aku try nak stabilkan group pun ada orang cakap aku gila kuasa, pandai-pandai lantik diri sendiri, suka-suka je bagi arahan. Aku buat semua ni sebab aku tak nak group kita hanyut, macam kapal tak bernakhoda. Mid Sem - satu lagi tugasan dimana aku mengambil tanggungjawab sebagai leader and alhamdulillah, takde masalah yang serius pun except sedikit kekalutan waktu nak submit report. Akhir semester, ni lagi gila punya tanggungjawab - Platoon Leader terus..ha3x, memang kusut pale otak aku bila budak-budak tu pilih aku jadi leader. Sumpah aku rasa cam malas nak hidup waktu camping tu - rasa macam nak terjun dalam sungai. Serious. But, overall - taklah teruk sangat. Moral of the story - optimistic and steadfast courageness. Jangan takut dalam mencuba, but if we failed - don't ever abdicate, but delegate. Kalau tak mampu menggalas tanggungjawab tu, cuba lantik right hand untuk tolong. Delegate kan duty korang sikit, sebab ada leader yang fikir - tu semua kerja diorang, no one can seize my duty from me.
Sekarang - aku cuba nak belajar cara menjadi seorang leader yang baik dan berkualiti. Untuk semester yang bakal mendatang, kalau mampu asal ada peluang, semua group aku nak sapu - biar aku yang jadi leader. Time has changed my friend, dulu jadi team member pun boleh, sekarang ni - I want to be your leader, this group. I'm in charge here!!
Menyingkap semula cerita-cerita lama zaman sekolah dulu, aku memanglah pengecut dalam bidang-bidang macam ni. Even, sampailah masuk asasi pun still aku cuba mengelak diberi tanggungjawab menjadi seorang leader. Huh, lagipun siapalah yang cukup percaya dengan aku ni kan.
Sekolah dulu, jawatan paling tinggi yang pernah aku pegang ialah Bendahari PRS. Takde kaitan pun dengan leadership but for you all nye information - aku orang pertama yang galas tanggungjawab bendahari untuk 3 tahun berturut-turut. Why? Cikgu Saiful percaya kat aku, katanya lah waktu pemilihan EXCO PRS 2009. Aku ingat lagi waktu tu, aku menarik nafas lega sebab dengan perlantikan sebagai bendahari, maknanya jawatan lain yang vacant seperti Presiden and Vice Presiden dah tentunya aku tak mungkin pegang.
Asasi pulak - hehe, ni bukan aku sengaja nak mengelak. Takut tu still ada but aku rasa tak layak and rendah diri, lagi-lagi bila bercampur dengan siswa siswi yang mostly graduated from sekolah berasrama, kluster dan banyak lagilah. Plus - orang pandang aku sebelah mata je kot waktu kat Fakulti tu..Moral of the story - learned from the US President, Mr Harry Truman - believing yourself when no people does. Peduli kan status diorang, itu dulu but sekarang sama je. Satu kelas jugak, satu Universiti jugak. Bezanya - diri kita dan mereka.
Degree ni. Alhamdulillah untuk semester 1 ni banyak benda yang banyak mengubah personaliti aku. But, sesuatu yang aku belajar melalui pengalaman. Jadi ketua pun ada yang benci, bahkan lagi ramai yang benci daripada kita menjadi kura-kura dalam cengkerangnya. Waktu awal semester, aku assume command group TITAS when I saw nobody want to take it. Bila aku try nak stabilkan group pun ada orang cakap aku gila kuasa, pandai-pandai lantik diri sendiri, suka-suka je bagi arahan. Aku buat semua ni sebab aku tak nak group kita hanyut, macam kapal tak bernakhoda. Mid Sem - satu lagi tugasan dimana aku mengambil tanggungjawab sebagai leader and alhamdulillah, takde masalah yang serius pun except sedikit kekalutan waktu nak submit report. Akhir semester, ni lagi gila punya tanggungjawab - Platoon Leader terus..ha3x, memang kusut pale otak aku bila budak-budak tu pilih aku jadi leader. Sumpah aku rasa cam malas nak hidup waktu camping tu - rasa macam nak terjun dalam sungai. Serious. But, overall - taklah teruk sangat. Moral of the story - optimistic and steadfast courageness. Jangan takut dalam mencuba, but if we failed - don't ever abdicate, but delegate. Kalau tak mampu menggalas tanggungjawab tu, cuba lantik right hand untuk tolong. Delegate kan duty korang sikit, sebab ada leader yang fikir - tu semua kerja diorang, no one can seize my duty from me.
Sekarang - aku cuba nak belajar cara menjadi seorang leader yang baik dan berkualiti. Untuk semester yang bakal mendatang, kalau mampu asal ada peluang, semua group aku nak sapu - biar aku yang jadi leader. Time has changed my friend, dulu jadi team member pun boleh, sekarang ni - I want to be your leader, this group. I'm in charge here!!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Kisah AKU n The Fall of Christiania
Previous Chapter - The Betrayal
Napoleon, the Emperor of France now must deal with the
Coalition of Three Nations. With the Danish and Swedish cooperate together to
make a pre-emptive strike against the French at Schwerin and Novgorod, the
Dutch will try to seize French’s Flanders from Amsterdam. Far to the south,
Corsica – the birthplace of the Emperor fall to the hand of the Corse Rebel. It
did help to give a sufficient time for the Coalition to invade France, as the
Emperor will face difficulty to coordinate the defence due to the lack of fully
equipped army and leadership. Duroc’s army is far to the south, fortifying Rome
while Oudinot’s army still at the Bavarian land, defending the city of
Stuttgart from the expected people uprising. If his Army Group Centre left the
city undefended, the rebel will seize the city and Napoleon will faced another
problem. As being informed by his Lord Secretary of Army, Napoleon only have
four available generals with their battle ready army- two armies under Eugene
de Beauharnais and his reserve command by Armand Phillipon were both positioned
near Hannover, remained close to each other while the other army is stationed
at Novgorod under the command of the Russian’s campaign veteran, General Eduard
Mortier. There, an army under General De Moncey scheduled to arrive as
Mortier’s reinforcement, supporting the defences of Novgorod.
Eugene de Beauharnais, Napoleon’s stepson is one of the
veterans of the Russian Campaign. His army mostly consisted of cavalry squadron
that saw combat on the unforgiving Russian winter. Berthier’s plan is to move
Beauharnais together with his reserve towards the Danish land, capture their
capital, Copenhagen while try to avoid pitched battle against the numerical
superiority of the Danish army. If anything happen, for example the Dutch
strike his rear – Beauharnais might consider a retreat into Frisia, where a
battalion of reserve infantry may assist him and then he will be able to renew
the invasion.
Armand Phillipon, freshly promoted general will command
Beauharnais’s reserve army consisted of four fresh battalions of Middle Guard.
He will be responsible to protect the rear of the army. These two armies need
to advance close to each other, so that if pitched battle cannot be avoided –
at least Beauharnais may commit Phillipon into the battle.
On the Early February 1813, Amsterdam unexpectedly captured
by General Jean Andre Massena without asking the Emperor’s consent to storm the
heavily fortified city. Actually, Massena brilliantly gathered the remnant of
his army to advance towards Reims, while putting one third of its strength to
defend the city of Schwerin. There were also a number of regimental commanders
that scattered near Reims assembled at the city and joined Massena’s army.
Massena is capable to mount a pre-emptive attack against the Dutch and succeeded
in capturing Amsterdam. Napoleon is very impressed with Massena’s valiant
action and later promoted him as the General of the Grand Army. The Dutch was
being kicked out from the competition and now Beauharnais could resume his
march to Copenhagen without fearing of the intervention of the Dutch.
Beauharnais then captured Copenhagen without being resisted
by the Danish. This is Frederick’s plan to throw back the French as he has already
rallied his generals to Christiania; there he will be able to combine with a
corps of Swedish army under the command of General Isakson. From that point,
they will be able to press the outnumbered Beauharnais then recapture
Copenhagen while try to push the French to their initial point.
Christiania is the last stand for the Danish army, the royal
family, nobles and aristocrats of the Danes. If the city falls to the hand of
Beauharnais, they’re finish. Frederick however still has the guts to fight the
invader because the Danish are clearly won the numerical superiority against
the French. But, rather than facing the seasoned and elite French troops in the
open battle, Frederick favour to defend the city itself and let Beauharnais and
his army laid siege of Christiania. There, a huge number of infantry are
amassed, together with fully armoured batteries and well motivated cavalry
On Beauharnais side, he faced a major problem – lacking of
experience in laying the siege and the position of the city itself. Christiania
is actually fortified by a huge fort in front of the city, named Fort Frederick
– forming two layers of defences. Its mean Beauharnais need to pass two heavily
defended fortification before entering Christiania and it will cost a massive
number of death tolls among his army.
Then, he managed to detect Frederick’s fatal mistake – the
right section of the fort is almost left undefended. Beauharnais then ordered
the batteries to shell the centre while make a deception movement against
Frederick’s left. With this tactic called “infiltration”, Beauharnais’s plan is
to concentrate a massive bombardment against the centre, demoralized the Danish
while trying to confuse them. Simultaneously, he also sends two battalions of
the French Line Infantry towards Frederick’s left to increase his confusion.
Unexpectedly, the Danish Royal Cavalry charge the advancing Foot
but in a mean time, the Foot managed to form the square formation. The square formation is really a good
defending formation when encountering the cavalry charges. Even if the infantry
only succeed in forming two ranks of square, its still can avoid a huge number
of casualties because the horses will never charge against the bayonet.
The Danish Royal Cavalry is the most elite unit in the
hierarchy of the Danish army. They’re recruited from the Danes royal families;
most of them experience at least five battles throughout Frederick’s campaign
against the Prussian. This unit never sustained even half of casualties making
them a right and exclusive choice for the King as his personal guard.
Far to the right, Beauharnais commits two battalions of the
Foot, assisted by a squadron of Cuirassier to storm Frederick’s undefended
section. With all Frederick’s gun distracted by Beauharnais initial movement on
his left, Beauharnais’s left detachment
advanced without being resist.
Covered by light forest that surrounding the fort, the Foot
advanced stealthily towards the wall.
Frederick then unleashed his reserve squadron of Hussar that
charge from the woods against the steady Foot. Charging an infantry inside the
woods is not a good idea. All of Frederick’s shock detachment was slain to
death, due to misjudgement of the terrain and topography as well as the
discipline showed by Beauharnais’s army.
Meanwhile, a squadron of Cuirassier protecting the advancing
Foot spotted Frederick’s cannon deployed outside the fort. Without hesitate,
the commander charge the ill defended unit and succeed in killing them all,
thus capturing two pieces of artillery.
With all possible threat clear, the French led by Brigadier
General Jean Rapp scale the wall of Fort Frederick. Far to the left, the
defending French still hold their line making Frederick a hard decision on
which section need to be cover. Either to reinforce the nearly win detachment
on his right or fortify the undefended section. If he continue to press
Beauharnais’s defending Foot by sending his best unit, Frederick might be able
to push them back while if he send several battalion of his best infantry on
the undefended section of wall, he might be able to deny Beauharnais’s quick
Frederick then made one solid decision – to renew his
frontal attack against Beauharnais’s left while stationed only three battalions
of freshly recruited infantry to guard the undefended section. Such a
disastrous decision because Beauharnais still not commits Phillipon’s reserve
army that assembled only half a mile from the battlefield. Shall his line fall,
Beauharnais still has much time to rally his army and renew the attack together
with Phillipon. But, if the undefended section falls to the hand of Rapp’s
detachment – Frederick might consider concentrating all of his army towards
them making an untenable position at his center, thus enabling Beauharnais to
storm it easily.
Rapp’s detachment succeeded in capturing the wall, reform
and gains an ‘upper hand’. They’re able to fire the Danish from the high
ground, making a perfect defending position and give Beauharnais sufficient
time to launch a fresh attack against Frederick.
A brutal hand to hand combat on the wall of Frederick’s
Fort. Frederick realizing the fact that he need to retake the wall, start to
push Rapp’s detachment with all of his army, leaving the front gate undefended.
Despite of their effort, the Danish still unable to defeat the well discipline
Meanwhile, Beauharnais’s left detachment that still
undefeated scale the wall and capture the left gate of Fort Frederick. There,
they witnessed a savage fighting of Rapp’s detachment against a massive number
of Frederick’s infantry. The commander, Brigadier General Jean Reynier
signalled Beauharnais from the wall – the reinforcement is badly needed.
Reynier’s then ordered his men to fortify the building
inside the fort, thus attracting several Danish infantry to attack them and
relieved Rapp’s detachment and gave them a little pressure on defending the
Beauharnais then ordered two squadrons of lancers to
reinforce the hard pressure French, the French Lancer is among the best heavy
cavalry in the continent, these fearsome shock troops will advance with their
full speed towards the enemy without fear then delivered a powerful charge,
thus inflicting both moral and physical damage to their enemies.
The remnant of the Danish armed forces begins their retreat,
leaving the fort and headed towards the city.
In order to inflict as much casualties for the Danish army.
Beauharnais then unleashed his light cavalry. These fast moving and light
cavalry unit is the most suitable unit to pursue the retreating army. As the
result, many of the Danish being killed before manage to reach the Christiania.
Siege of Christiania concluded when Frederick of Denmark
officially surrendered the city before midnight of Late March 1813. Frederick
recalled and abolished his armed forces, as well as to accept the sovereignty
of Napoleon as the ruler of Denmark. Beauharnais then continues his advance
towards Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, the last enemy of the France Empire
as well as the Emperor and all French people. With the fall of Sweden, the
Emperor’s dream to conquer Europe will become true.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Kisah AKU n Operation Holiday
Assalamualaikum semua, cuti semester aku dah pun bermula, sebulan dua minggu. Nak buat apa ek?? err, sebelum aku unleash "Operation Holiday" ni, dengan penuh rasa bangga aku nak bagitau yang aku berjaya menamatkan cabaran "Menyimpan Duit Dengan Bijak" - dan sebagai ganjarannya my dad bagi RM 500..hu3x. Yasin cakap aku tak dapat nya nak complete kan challenge tu, but berkat kesabaran. Akhirnya ia berbalas. Ok, lets go to my plan for cuti semester ni - Operation Holiday!!
Improve Soft Skills : Study ADS lagi but now, aku nak focus on Ethics, Leadership, Teamwork, Problem Solving and Decision Making (Quality Management In Organization). Then, nak improve communication and presentation skill (The Art of Public Speaking)
Improve Third Language - sebenarnya Part 3 nanti aku baru berpeluang belajar Third Language, but apa salahnya kalau aku start sekarang. Tak rugi pun belajar Mandarin ni, sebab ianya penting dalam global market. But, kalau tak dapat join Mandarin nanti, bahasa lain pun boleyh jea..btw, buku-buku ni waktu lepas SPM dulu, tapi tak sempat pun nak study.Badminton - yeah, cuti semester ni memang saat yang aku tunggu. Aku harap pakcik-pakcik veteran dapat meluangkan masa main dengan junior ni. Ouh, forget to tell you nanti bakal ada mini tournament kat kawasan perumahan aku, actually semalam - but atas sebab yang tak dapat dielakkan ianya terpaksa ditunda pada hari yang ditetapkan. Cuti ni jugak bakal digunakan untuk menonton video-video badminton untuk belajar skill baru as well as strategi dan tips.
Fitness - Haaa, ni satu lagi objektif yang patut ada. Disebabkan impian aku untuk mewakili fakulti dalam SAF 2012 - fitness mestilah dipupuk untuk menjamin stamina, agility dan juga disiplin yang tinggi. Dapat 4s pack pun jadi la..ha3x
Objektif - To gain something new from all objective laid out above.
p/s: Wish me luck
Kisah AKU n Last Day at Perindu
Dengan tumbangnya paper Business Mathematic semalam, sekaligus menamatkan semester satu aku kat UiTM ni. But, final day ni maksudnya aku perlu ucapkan selamat tinggal untuk Kolej Perindu, well you all semua tau yang aku akan memegang status NR semester depan dan seterusnya.
Habis paper tadi terus balik ke bilik, packing cadar and bantal semua. Yang lain dah settle seminggu lepas, huh - tak sabar gila kan aku. Waktu tu aku still ada 2 paper left. Then, main - main dengan anak kucing yang comel ni - biru betul matanya, oit baby tucen - u pakai contact lens kea? Btw, ada gaya tak??
Barang-barang yang dah siap packing, tinggal nak load kat dalam kereta jerr..
In memory - thanks Pengurusan Perindu sebab bagi aku peluang duduk kat sini walaupun 2 semester je - really appreciate it.
Sebelum parents sampai, aku meluangkan masa berjumpa rakan-rakan seperjuangan sekelas dan juga roomies - masa untuk bergambar, err..pada yang takde tu maaf sangat sebab siapa suruh korang balik awal..
Classmate BA1E - dari kiri Faiz, Yasin, Farid, Wan..guys, lepas ni kita dah tak sekelas dah, mesti jarang jumpa kan - plus, aku pun duduk luar nanti.
Muhaimin, classmate waktu my asasian day, still teguh ikatan perkenalan kami sampai sekarang. Seronok dapat tolong korang punya projek Third Language hari tu..
Now, dengan roomies yang banyak ragam. Most of them, akan still become teman sebilik on each other lagi semester depan. Have fun yerp, nanti aku singgah bilik..
Dari kiri, Syawal (goodluck LIBK nanti, make us proud.. FSPPP will and must have their first ever Komander Kesatria - aku doakan kau), Syamil (Nanti kalau aku singgah bilik, sedia-sedia la kek lapis Sarawak) Kenangan Manis : Main Command & Conquer dengan korang..hu3x, really miss the moment when tengok Syamil dengan jip yang bersepah-sepah satu map. Plus, SCUD missile's Syawal yang merciless. Aku tau provide Aurora Bomber and Comanche je..hu3x
Dari kiri, Aqi (memang selalu buat aku terkejut bila kau karok sorang-sorang dalam bilik), and Ijat(dengan kau selalu buat aku cakap belakang orang..huu) Kenangan Manis : Aqi gelak gila bagai waktu tengok Running Man waktu semua orang tengah serius. Ijat pulak - he3x, belajar bahasa Sarawak plus kau je tau apa yang ko suka buat dalam well as some guys.
Yang lain Mael (seronok berkenalan dengan kau - orang pertama aku jumpa dalam bilik waktu hari pendaftaran.), Haziq (kenal kau lagi rapat waktu dah nak mid sem, rupa-rupanya aku boleh je join kepala otak ko dengan Syawal), Jr (pengguna setia plug aku, i'll always remember that err, as well as dishwasher.huu)
Meja yang kosong - PERHATIAN adik-adik yang dapat Perindu, kalau dapat meja tengah silalah bawak extension wire sendiri sebab korang punya plug bakal jadi plug tarikan. Serius shit!! - dari awal sampai akhir sem, mesti ada yang akan bukak charger korang yang tengah charge bateri yang still tak penuh and tukarkan dengan diorang punya adapter laptop.
Sebelum berangkat, jumpa kawan lama aku ni - namanya Bobo. Sedih dia bila aku cakap ni last semester aku duduk kat Perindu. Sumpah aku tak tipu. Takpe ek Bobo, nanti aku datang jenguk kau..
In conclusion, memang enjoy tinggal kat sini, dapat berkenalan dengan siswa baru, bukan dari fakulti yang sama but bercampur-campur dalam satu bilik. Sekali lagi terima kasih Perindu!!
p/s: tadi dah tengok rumah sewa kat Flat PKNS. I like it.
Habis paper tadi terus balik ke bilik, packing cadar and bantal semua. Yang lain dah settle seminggu lepas, huh - tak sabar gila kan aku. Waktu tu aku still ada 2 paper left. Then, main - main dengan anak kucing yang comel ni - biru betul matanya, oit baby tucen - u pakai contact lens kea? Btw, ada gaya tak??
Barang-barang yang dah siap packing, tinggal nak load kat dalam kereta jerr..
In memory - thanks Pengurusan Perindu sebab bagi aku peluang duduk kat sini walaupun 2 semester je - really appreciate it.
Sebelum parents sampai, aku meluangkan masa berjumpa rakan-rakan seperjuangan sekelas dan juga roomies - masa untuk bergambar, err..pada yang takde tu maaf sangat sebab siapa suruh korang balik awal..
Classmate BA1E - dari kiri Faiz, Yasin, Farid, Wan..guys, lepas ni kita dah tak sekelas dah, mesti jarang jumpa kan - plus, aku pun duduk luar nanti.
Muhaimin, classmate waktu my asasian day, still teguh ikatan perkenalan kami sampai sekarang. Seronok dapat tolong korang punya projek Third Language hari tu..
Now, dengan roomies yang banyak ragam. Most of them, akan still become teman sebilik on each other lagi semester depan. Have fun yerp, nanti aku singgah bilik..
Dari kiri, Syawal (goodluck LIBK nanti, make us proud.. FSPPP will and must have their first ever Komander Kesatria - aku doakan kau), Syamil (Nanti kalau aku singgah bilik, sedia-sedia la kek lapis Sarawak) Kenangan Manis : Main Command & Conquer dengan korang..hu3x, really miss the moment when tengok Syamil dengan jip yang bersepah-sepah satu map. Plus, SCUD missile's Syawal yang merciless. Aku tau provide Aurora Bomber and Comanche je..hu3x
Dari kiri, Aqi (memang selalu buat aku terkejut bila kau karok sorang-sorang dalam bilik), and Ijat(dengan kau selalu buat aku cakap belakang orang..huu) Kenangan Manis : Aqi gelak gila bagai waktu tengok Running Man waktu semua orang tengah serius. Ijat pulak - he3x, belajar bahasa Sarawak plus kau je tau apa yang ko suka buat dalam well as some guys.
Yang lain Mael (seronok berkenalan dengan kau - orang pertama aku jumpa dalam bilik waktu hari pendaftaran.), Haziq (kenal kau lagi rapat waktu dah nak mid sem, rupa-rupanya aku boleh je join kepala otak ko dengan Syawal), Jr (pengguna setia plug aku, i'll always remember that err, as well as dishwasher.huu)
Meja yang kosong - PERHATIAN adik-adik yang dapat Perindu, kalau dapat meja tengah silalah bawak extension wire sendiri sebab korang punya plug bakal jadi plug tarikan. Serius shit!! - dari awal sampai akhir sem, mesti ada yang akan bukak charger korang yang tengah charge bateri yang still tak penuh and tukarkan dengan diorang punya adapter laptop.
Sebelum berangkat, jumpa kawan lama aku ni - namanya Bobo. Sedih dia bila aku cakap ni last semester aku duduk kat Perindu. Sumpah aku tak tipu. Takpe ek Bobo, nanti aku datang jenguk kau..
In conclusion, memang enjoy tinggal kat sini, dapat berkenalan dengan siswa baru, bukan dari fakulti yang sama but bercampur-campur dalam satu bilik. Sekali lagi terima kasih Perindu!!
Kisah AKU n The War is Over
Sorry sangat sebab dah lama tak update blog ni - dulu aku ada cakap tentang operasi blog ni dimana aku cuba gerakkan ia waktu exam kan? but atas masalah teknikal yang berlaku - aku tak mampu nak update. Kenapa? Actually, laptop aku rosak - tak boleh nak bukak pun. Ini pun aku pinjam lappy kakak aku, esok Uncle Zaini datang fix Miss Dell aku tu..huu, so banyak sebenarnya cerita yang berlaku sepanjang seminggu ketiadaan blog ini - exam, final day exam and balik rumah. So, let me start from the final examination.
Ok, as you all know - aku dah habis exam, so entry ni cover terus problem waktu exam plus with the end of it.
Problem sepanjang exam:
a) Kena tuduh tiru dalam test and exam, "beliau" cakap "even the best law student will never achieve this mark" - then siap tanya lagi "Tips aku ape?" then "Kau pernah pergi tandas tak waktu exam? - Woi, kalau aku tiru - kau tak kan nampak aku struggle baca notes walaupun demam.
b) Demam teruk.
c) Laptop rosak - Shit doe, seminggu hidup tanpa laptop memang sengsara. Lagi-lagi bila satu baris roomies pasang laptop simultaneously depan aku.
Exam hall - Dewan Raja Muda Musa - Seksyen 7
Yasin yang stress dengar Faiz membebel.
Sweet couple??
Final paper - Business Mathematics kat Kompleks Sukan.
Jumpa lagi next sem!!
Ok, as you all know - aku dah habis exam, so entry ni cover terus problem waktu exam plus with the end of it.
Problem sepanjang exam:
b) Demam teruk.
c) Laptop rosak - Shit doe, seminggu hidup tanpa laptop memang sengsara. Lagi-lagi bila satu baris roomies pasang laptop simultaneously depan aku.
Before ADS, bukan AIDS yerp?
Exam hall - Dewan Raja Muda Musa - Seksyen 7
Yasin yang stress dengar Faiz membebel.
Sweet couple??
On the way for our last battle for semester 1 BAS.
Final paper - Business Mathematics kat Kompleks Sukan.
Jumpa lagi next sem!!
Kisah AKU n The Betrayal
Previous Chapter - The Spanish Destruction
Louis Alexander Berthier, Napoleon’s Lord Secretary of Army already put himself as the finest military adviser for the Emperor. He had succeed in assisted Napoleon throughout a various successful campaigns –the decisive Napoleon’s invasion of Central Europe that crushed the Prussian and Austrian, rapid victory of Ney’s army against the Ottoman, Moreau’s invasion of Sardinia and Sicily, Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, the invasion of Great Britain by Nicolas Oudinot and recently, Napoleon’s invasion of Iberian Peninsula. But now, he has given a hard task by the Emperor. To break the alliance with the remaining standing nations in the continent, and for him – to invade one nation will bring the other to fight Napoleon together. If the Emperor favours the Confederation to be his first target, its mean the Central Europe will face another brutal battle. In addition, the Batavian Republic will be able to strike at the heart of the Empire; Paris while the Baltic nations – Sweden and Denmark will be able to threat the ill defended Moscow and liberates it.
Berthier then proposed his grand cautious plan to the
Emperor - an impossible plan to mount as the French troops were badly scattered
across the Empire. But, he managed to recalled several veterans generals
together with their army and positioned them at their initial point of invasion.
His plan was to strike the Confederation of Rhine first, then separate – one will
go south to open the Italian front and the other will swing north to open a new
front – Baltic. Plus, the reserve army from Novgorod will standby, shall the
Swedish cross and invade Russia.
Nicolas Oudinot, the architect of the Great Britain’s destruction will command his seasoned Army Group North towards Hessen Kassel, then advance towards Munich, the capital of Baden-Wurttemberg. His army will face a great proportion of the elite Bavarian army. Baden-Wurttemberg is the strongest nation in the Confederation.
Nicolas Oudinot, the architect of the Great Britain’s destruction will command his seasoned Army Group North towards Hessen Kassel, then advance towards Munich, the capital of Baden-Wurttemberg. His army will face a great proportion of the elite Bavarian army. Baden-Wurttemberg is the strongest nation in the Confederation.
Jean Andre Massena, well known for his valiant defend of
Oxford during the invasion of Great Britain will push his Army Group Centre towards
the central point of the Confederation – invading Swiss Confederation then
moving north to suppress Oldenburg and Mecklenburg. With the fall of their
capital, the Confederation of Rhine will be annex as a part of the France
Gerard Duroc, freshly promoted General of the Grand Army
will command the Army Group South, will attack Milan and then advance towards
As predicted by Berthier, the invasion scheduled to start on
Early April 1812 will concluded with the Fall of Rome, expected before the end
of the year 1812. Any intervention from the other nation will be a part of an
act of aggression, thus highlighted by Berthier as an act of defending the
Empire not invading them.
On the early part of the invasion, all Army Group managed to
reach their objective. Swiss Confederation, Hessen Kassel and Oldenburg were
all annexed as a part of the Empire. Lucky for the French, there was no intervention
from the other nations at this point. The Dutch, Swedish and Danish remained
neutral while Portuguese start to shown their aggression by mobilize their
troops near the border. Napoleon then mobilizes his elite troops towards
Iberian and fortified Madrid.
One of the greatest battle on this campaign happened when
Oudinot’s Army Group Centre encounter the Baden-Wurttemberg army under Prince
Philip II of Stuttgart near the city of Stuttgart.
Philip army outnumbered Oudinot two to one, well equipped
and fortified the city. He chose to defend the city rather than meet Oudinot in
an open battlefield. But, some of the regimental commander of the Bavarian army
lack of discipline often disobeys the order. Philip might face difficulties in
controlling them.
Oudinot then move his elite infantry to lure the Bavarian infantry out of the city. One of Philip regimental commander want to exploit the glory of winning the battle then move his regiment of infantry towards the elite Guards.
Then, they were followed by the other infantry regiment that advanced without fear towards Oudinot’s centre. The Bavarian elite infantry is the most courage unit on the battlefield; Napoleon once used them on his campaign against the Prussian.
Philip motivated by his own ambition to push the invader from Stuttgart and recapture the capital, Munich, also involved in the charge of the Bavarian cavalry against Oudinot’s left Guards. This is the largest cavalry charge in the campaign, a total of seven squadrons of Bavarian cavalry unit attack the isolated line of the French army.
Oudinot then move his elite infantry to lure the Bavarian infantry out of the city. One of Philip regimental commander want to exploit the glory of winning the battle then move his regiment of infantry towards the elite Guards.
Then, they were followed by the other infantry regiment that advanced without fear towards Oudinot’s centre. The Bavarian elite infantry is the most courage unit on the battlefield; Napoleon once used them on his campaign against the Prussian.
Philip motivated by his own ambition to push the invader from Stuttgart and recapture the capital, Munich, also involved in the charge of the Bavarian cavalry against Oudinot’s left Guards. This is the largest cavalry charge in the campaign, a total of seven squadrons of Bavarian cavalry unit attack the isolated line of the French army.
The Guards is being overwhelmed by the sheer number of
Bavarian cavalry. Oudinot later send two battalions of the Old Guard to
reinforce his left flank. They succeed in throwing back the Bavarian and
repulsed several cavalry charge by Philip.
Oudinot unleashed his cavalry unit by sending them charging
downhill against the unprotected Bavarian infantry. Simultaneously, the
Imperial Guards also pressed the attack at the centre. Stuttgart falls quickly after the battle, thus closing the
central front.
Schwerin, the capital of Mecklenburg falls after a bitter
siege by the French, with the falls of Mecklenburg – the Confederation of Rhine
was dissolved, thus ended the northern front.
Portugal attacked Napoleon’s detachment at the outskirt of
Madrid and being pushed back – Napoleon then declared war against the
Portuguese, combining his troops with Moreau then succeeded in capturing
Lisbon, the last city on the map of Iberian Peninsula.
Rome finally captured by Duroc only after being blocked by the French Navy under the command of Admiral Pierre Villeneuve. As predicted by Berthier, with the Fall of Rome – the campaign concluded on Late November 1812, a month faster than being expected.
Rome finally captured by Duroc only after being blocked by the French Navy under the command of Admiral Pierre Villeneuve. As predicted by Berthier, with the Fall of Rome – the campaign concluded on Late November 1812, a month faster than being expected.
Napoleon with the help of his military adviser managed to
conquer the Central Europe, Italian Chersonese and the Iberian Peninsula. Only
three nations left for Napoleon to complete his conquest – the Dutch, Swedish
and Danish. Fearing that they will be the Emperor’s next target – the leader of
these three nations then waged war against Napoleon, Sweden’s Charles XII has
already deployed his army at the gate of Novgorod with the hope to restore the
Tsar in Russia and assisted Denmark in the defence of Kattegat. Frederick of
Denmark has mobilized his best three generals, fully equipped and well
motivated to recapture Schwerin and combine with the Dutch near Reims.
Generally, what the Coalition of Three Nations trying to do is to capture as
many as French territory they could, and defeat Napoleon’s scattered army then
advance further to liberate the nation occupied by Napoleon in his several
grand campaign.
But, are they able to defeat the Napoleon, The Conqueror of